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Bachelor of Music Policies and Procedures

Bachelor of Music with an Emphasis in Commercial Music

Polices and Procedures


The Bachelor of Music degree with and emphasis in Commercial Music is a 124-credit hour baccalaureate degree designed for students who are preparing to make all or part of their living in the music industry. As a Bachelor of Music degree, the program provides all qualified students with high levels of academic and musical training, divided into three distinct areas of study: 1) a broad-based education in music technique including theory, aural skills, history, keyboard skills and solo and ensemble performance; 2) training in the skills needed by those in the music industry, including music technology, arranging, conducting, songwriting, improvisation and live concert production; 3) training in music industry and entrepreneurship, including courses in music business, business law, accounting, economics and management.

Application and Admission 

The Bachelor of Music degree with an emphasis in Commercial Music program is open by audition only. The process of auditioning for the program differs slightly depending on whether or not a student is new to Snow College (an incoming freshman or transfer students) or a continuing student from the two-year program. The different procedures for auditioning are outlined below. All students must audition on an instrument or voice to be considered for the program. If there is additional material that you would like to submit in support of your application (especially in the areas of songwriting or music production) please follow the instructions below.

Audition Procedure – New students 
  • All students must first be admitted to Snow College. This may be accomplished by filling out an application online.
  • All students must also apply for admission to the Bachelor of Music degree program. This may be accomplished by filling out an application online at
  • All students must audition on their major instrument or voice. You may audition by:
  • Participating in annual scholarship auditions, which are typically held during the middle of February OR
  • Audition by appointment with the coordinator of your area:
    • Brass and Percussion Area - Dr. Christopher Nelson ude.wons@noslen.rehpotsirhc
    • Jazz area - Prof. Steven Erickson ude.wons@noskcire.nevets
    • Piano Area - Prof. Steven Erickson ude.wons@noskcire.nevets
    • String area - Dr. Brent Smith ude.wons@htims.tnerb
    • Vocal area - Prof. Brian Stucki ude.wons@ikcuts.nairb
    • Woodwind area - Dr. Madeline Johnson ude.wons@nosnhoj.eniledam
  • Video audition for out of state/country students may be arranged by contacting the coordinator of your area (see above);
  • An audition would typically consist of performance of a solo piece of sophomore-level difficulty. The audition may also include the playing of scales, etudes or a sight-reading skill evaluation.

Note: If you are interested primarily in the advisement tracks of Songwriting/Composition or Music Production please also include:

  • a typewritten résumé outlining your experience in your area of interest and samples of your work. Samples might include: recordings (audio or video), notation samples (traditional or lead sheet) in pdf format, links to online samples, etc. These samples should be sent via email to:
  • Songwriting/Composition - Dr. Trent Hanna ude.wons@annah.tnert
  • Music Production - Prof. Ben Harris ude.wons@sirrah.neb
Audition Procedure - Continuing or Transfer Students 
  • All students must audition on their major instrument or voice. You may audition by:

  • Filling out your jury form and checking the box that indicates you are wishing to use your jury as an audition. If at all possible, use this process. OR,
  • Audition by appointment with the coordinator of your area:
    • Brass and Percussion Area - Dr. Christopher Nelson ude.wons@noslen.rehpotsirhc
    • Jazz area - Prof. Steven Erickson ude.wons@noskcire.nevets
    • Piano Area - Prof. Steven Ericson ude.wons@ffuh.leahcim
    • String area - Dr. Brent Smith ude.wons@htims.tnerb
    • Vocal area - Prof. Brian Stucki ude.wons@ikcuts.nairb
    • Woodwind area - Dr. Madeline Johnson ude.wons@nosnhoj.eniledam
  • An audition would typically consist of performance of a solo piece of sophomore-level difficulty. The audition may also include the playing of scales, etudes or a sight-reading skill evaluation.

Note: If you are interested primarily in the advisement tracks of Songwriting/Composition or Music Production please also include:

  • a typewritten résumé outlining your experience in your area of interest and samples of your work. Samples might include: recordings (audio or video), notation samples (traditional or lead sheet) in pdf format, links to online samples, etc. These samples should be sent via email to:
  • Songwriting/Composition – Dr. Trent Hanna ude.wons@annah.tnert
  • Music Production – Prof. Ben Harris ude.wons@sirrah.neb

The College Policy for accepting transfer credit can be found in the Snow College Academic Catalog - available online.

Transfer of Credit Policies Specific to the Snow College Music Department  

The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) has instituted a policy of holding annual discipline specific statewide articulation meetings. A representative is appointed by the CAO of each institution. The committee discusses the articulation of courses for music majors between Utah institutions and reaches agreements about the conditions upon which credit will be honored. The committee has agreed that the following courses will be honored between USHE institutions, provided the student has earned at least a C in the course:

  • Music Theory I, II, III, & IV.
  • Sight Singing and Ear Training I, II, III, & IV
  • Class Piano I, II, III, & IV
  • Beginning Conducting

Snow College requires an audition, music theory placement examination and piano proficiency placement examination of any applicant for the proposed degree. This audition and the placement exams will determine the student’s suitability for admittance into the program and provide the music unit with information that will determine the proper placement for the student in private lessons and music theory, and class piano.

For music major courses not listed on the USHE Music Major Committee list, or for all music major courses for students transferring from accredited non-USHE schools, course descriptions and syllabi will be evaluated to determine whether or not transfer credit will be awarded in music. If a decision is made requiring the transferring student to retake music major coursework completed at another institution, and the student has passed those courses as per the provisions of the college transfer policy outlined in the Snow College Academic Catalog, Snow College will grant the student elective credit for those courses.

Snow College Credit Hour/Time Requirement Policy

A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is not less than:

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different time; or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as approved by Snow College including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Snow College Music Department Credit Hour/Time Requirement Policies 
  • Concert Attendance is awarded 0 credit hours. Students are required to attend 10 concerts each semester. This usually constitutes 12-15 hours of the student’s time.
  • Music unit lecture classes use the same formula as the Snow College formula for lecture courses described above.
  • Music ensembles use the Snow College formula for laboratory courses described above.
  • Private lessons for music majors are awarded 1 credit for 1 hour per week of instruction. The amount of practice time expected of the student varies somewhat according to the private teacher.
  • Non-music majors who enroll in private lessons receive ½ hour of instruction each week and are awarded 1 hour of credit. There is no jury requirement for non-majors.

Academic Policies

All students who have been accepted into the Bachelor of Music degree program are expected to make adequate academic progress towards graduation. This means:

  • A student with active status in the program must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours during a fall and spring semester of each academic year they are in the program. This policy does not apply to summer programs or internships, and may be adjusted (with department chair approval) to accommodate particular circumstances;
  • A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to maintain active status in the degree program. If the cumulative GPA falls below this point, the student loses their standing in the program and must reapply for admission;
  • A student on music scholarship must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in order to keep that scholarship (this is not the GPA requirement for academic waivers – please see academic advising for more information about academic scholarship requirements);
  • A student must receive a grade of “C-” or better for all lower division music coursework (courses with a 1000 or 2000 level number) for that credit to count towards graduation from the program;
  • A student must receive a grade of “C” or higher in all upper division coursework (courses with a 3000 or 4000 level number) in order for that credit to count towards graduation;
  • As per Snow College policy, a student may retake a course to receive a better grade, but the last grade received is the grade reflected on the transcript;
  • Students are expected to meet with the music adviser in the advisement center, and with the music faculty member over their particular area (see list above) during the enrollment period that precedes each new semester. It is important that students meet with an adviser prior to registration for each new semester.
  • A student must be enrolled in a major ensemble each semester they are enrolled at Snow College as a music major.
  • A student must be enrolled in private lessons each semester they are enrolled at Snow College as a music major.

Juries and Recitals

Recitals – All music majors are required to perform a recital during each semester of private instruction. For 1st and 2nd year students, the recital performance takes place on an area recital, which are scheduled regularly throughout the semester. For 3rd and 4th year students the recital requirement is more significant.

Senior Recitals/Projects - Students who are pursuing the Bachelor of Music degree must complete a senior recital or senior project. A senior recital typically consists of a 40-45 minutes of music displaying a level of performance, literature and the synthesis of learned shills appropriate to a candidate for a Bachelor of Music degree. Senior recitals/projects replace both the jury and recital requirement for the student during the semester in which the senior recital/project takes place. Students in the instrumental or vocal performance advisement tracks must perform a senior recital prior to graduation. Students who are pursuing the music technology or songwriting/composition advisement tracks may complete a senior recital in the 4th year, or may opt for a senior project which should be of similar scope to a recital. In every case, both the senior recital and/or senior project will be proposed while the student is enrolled in the Senior Capstone course (MUSC 4901) and approved by three faculty, including the department chair. The proposal forms are available in the music department office.

Juries - All music majors are required to perform a jury before assembled faculty at the end of each semester of private applied study. The jury serves three purposes: 1) to determine whether or not a student is prepared to move to the next level of study, 2) to act as an assessment tool for the private applied lesson, and 3) to give students the opportunity to receive feedback from members of the faculty other than their private teacher. The jury grade accounts for 20% of the final grade in private instruction. A student may, at any time, be denied advancement to the next course level by a decision of the jury. If this occurs, the department chair will notify the student and the instructor in writing. The student will consult with the private instructor and the department chair to determine if continuation in the program is warranted. If a student fails to pass a jury or is not recommended to advance to the next level on two consecutive occasions they will be removed from the Bachelor of Music program.

Students must be enrolled in private applied lessons during the semester they complete their senior recital/project.

Leave Policies

Standard Leave of Absence - It may be necessary for a student to take a leave of absence during their studies at Snow College. Generally, when the leave is for military service, church service, humanitarian work, financial necessity or other similar reasons, a student does not need to reapply to the program, nor will they lose their standing in their program. Generally, these types of leave also make a student eligible for scholarship awards upon their return if funds are available. In order to prepare for a leave of absence of this type:

  • Fill out a “Leave of Absence” form that can be provided to you by the department chair or by the administrative assistant;
  • Return the form to the department chair or administrative assistant for processing;
  • A standard Leave of Absence will not exceed a period of more than two academic years. A leave that exceeds two academic years requires a student to reapply to the program.

Medical Leave of Absence – It may be necessary for a student to take a medical leave of absence from the program. If the leave coincides with weeks 1-9 of an academic semester, a student may simply withdraw, and take a standard leave of absence. If a student must take a medical withdrawal from class after the 10th week of the semester, a student must do the following:

  • Meet with the department chair, music adviser and the ADA Coordinator to receive permission for the medical leave;
  • Provide written documentation from a health care provider detailing the medical issues and the need for the leave;

After a medical leave of absence that necessitated complete withdrawal from classes after the 10th week of a semester, a student must re-apply to the program. In order to do this the student must:

  • Write a letter of appeal for reinstatement into the program. This letter should be addressed to the music department chair. The letter should detail the reason for the original leave and outline the steps taken by the student to improve their health;
  • Provide written medical documentation that the medical issue that caused the need for the leave of absence has sufficiently improved such that, in the opinion of the medical professional, there is a strong likelihood that the student can return to the program at full capacity and that it is unlikely that full participation in the program would cause relapse or re-injury;
  • These materials will be reviewed by a committee consisting of:
  • The music department chair
  • The fine arts dean
  • The ADA and Accessibility Coordinator
  • Music advisement staff member

The committee will determine the ongoing status of the student as it relates to the Bachelor of Music degree program. A student that successfully petition for re-admittance into the program may regain their placement in the program and again be eligible for available music scholarships.

Appeals Process

If a student feels that they need to appeal for exception from any of the academic policies listed above, they may appeal by doing the following:

  • Meet with the department chair to set up an appeals hearing;
  • All appeals will be heard by a committee consisting of the music department chair, the music faculty area coordinator, the fine arts dean, and a staff or faculty member from outside the music department;
  • The decisions of this group may be appealed to the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The decisions of this office are final.